Solaris is a humanitarian aid organization for refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland. The organization was founded in January 2017 after media coverage of bad living conditions and the social isolation of asylum seekers in Iceland.
The main goals of the organisation is to assist with emergencies amongst refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland, to push for improvements in conditions, fight for equality and justice and against racism and discrimination, and offer a platform for refugees and asylum seekers to tell their stories and offer education about refugee matters!
By supporting Solaris you are contributing to emergency assistance, empowerment and justice for refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland. All donations to the organisation go directly into support for our clients.
Solaris is a free and independent voluntary organization.
About us
Human dignity is a human right

Adda Steina Haraldsdóttir
Board member

Bergþóra Snæbjörnsdóttir
Board Member

María Lilja Þrastardóttir Kemp
Media & communication

Sema Erla Serdaroglu
President and founder

Sólveig Ásta Sigurðardóttir

Ásdís Virk Sigtryggsdóttir

Hrund Teitsdóttir
Board member

Morgane Priet-Mahéo
Réttur barna á flótta

Sigrún Johnson
Board member